Lev semionovich vygotsky

Lev semionovich vygotsky was born November 17, 1896 in the town of Orsha, Russia (now Belarus), near Vitebsk, in a prosperous Jewish family.
He studied medicine and then law at the University of Moscow, to finish two races back to the city of Gomel, its diverse activities make it the center of intellectual and cultural activity in the city of Gomel.
Works in different places in the school of workers work in the Conservatory and the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. In the Pedagogical Institute creates a psychology laboratory to study children in kindergarten, this study published his book "Educational Psychology."
Participate in the 2nd All-Russian Congress Psiconeurología in Leningrad, where he outlined his essays "The research methods and psychological reflexological," a song that deepened after the theme "Consciousness as a problem of behavioral psychology."
He and other employees tried to reformulate the psychological theory based on the Marxist view and find teaching strategies to combat illiteracy and also for those children who had a disability at that time.
Vygotsky created a laboratory of abnormal child psychology, processed, then at the Institute of Experimental Defectology People's Commissariat for Education. Write a thesis entitled psychology of art and an essay on "The historical significance of the crisis in psychology."
In 1931, criticism began to appear against its historical-cultural theory and the investigators of the 20 splits.
To answer the criticism begins to summarize his work entitled, thought and language that is unfortunately published after his death, which consisted of 180 chapters of which only 100 are published.
Although his ideas had a great importance in theoretical psychology and pedagogy, despite this his writings were censored.
Vygotsky viewed learning as a path to development, as it states that intelligence is developed through certain instruments or psychological tools that children find the environment and the fundamental tool is language such tools extend their mental abilities.
Vygotsky believes that internalization refers to a process of self and psychological reconstruction, a series of gradual transformations internal operations or activities originating from external order, mediated by socially constructed signs and tools.
Internalization is the precursor of new features interpsychological. It is the genesis of the "zone of proximal development."
The zone of proximal development (ZPD) refers to space, gap or difference between the skills they already have children and you can get to learn through the guidance or support from their parents.
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